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Friday, January 30, 2009

Arianna's favourite sounds.....

we woke up early this morning and drove home towards Klang.
more like left penang at 6am and reached here about 11am.
traffic was ok, not too many cars , but there were quite a number at the rest stops comapred to other times of the year.

at one stop , i saw ths lady carrying a plastic plates and 2 other bigger containers, one having some nice thick curry and another having fried RICE!!!! made me all hungry, this was like 8 am in the morning .
she was later joined by another 2 car full of kids :)

anyway , Arianna seems to sense there a difference in her enviroment.

back in penang , the house was full of movement and theres always something to do and some one's voice nearby. and now that she's in klang its just me , chris and her.

she didnt quite adjust well and was crying,
we tried all the tricks we had learnt so far,
no change, crying her lungs out.
then we tried some of the toys she got for the full moon.
she reacted positively to a toy Grand Aunty Janet passed , which has the "itsy bitsy spider song" which i normally hum to her.

unfortunately she didnt react to it 10 minutes later.
those shaker toys and all the other just didnt have an affect.
so i swithced the tv channel to one of the radio channels.
no response, so i asked chris to flip to the golden oldies channel, and guess what, she kept silent , success!!!
and she even slept through.
i even did a small test to try if she likes the lite and easy channel or the classical music channel or even the mix channel. not even classic rock.
nope. she cries.
so now the tv is stuck on the golden oldies.
i dont quite mind , i like oldies, so does chris's dad and so does chris :) so i guess there is where it comes from.
i'm gonna try and hook a couple of speakers to the decoder tommorow and see how it goes.
she had been crying for about nearly 2 hours before we found out that she likes classic golden oldies songs.
and i can still remember the song which was playing that got her quiet, it was a version of volare which was in English as well as Italian. quite a number of good old songs were played. some elvis as in the list as well. the supremes, sinatra... so many.

as long as she doesnt go on crying non stop , i'm happy, gosh can she cry, she turns really red red when she does. and now that her tear ducts have formed , its kinda painful to see our little one cry like that.

good thing the golden oldies channel does not have any ads , or else she'd be crying during every commercial brake.
my only complaint on it is that sometimes i hear some nice song and i dont know the title and theres no website for me to check the title. so i gues i got find that software which can identify the song by recording a sample of it. more of that once i get it

on another note, it was a wonderful feeling to have a quick nap in the afternoon on my own sweet bed after a week back in penang. its not that the one in penang isnt good or nice, its just that feeling that you get when you get back from a holiday. anyway its getting late and i dont want to spend too much time on the pc tonight. time for some Z's .

nite nite

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